Gallery 8 - Retired for a Spell--But Still Great!

    Well, heck, we've loved these scenes so much that we selected many of them as particularly special in the first year or two that we operated the Studios.  But it is time for a shuffle so that we can feature some new work!  We've moved these images out of our regular first 6 galleries, and we no longer feature them at our shows.  We still love them.  We hope you will too.  And someday when we get really lazy about doing new work, we'll bring these back. 

Meanwhile, you can still order them.  If we don't keep them in stock right now, we will get your order to you within a week. 

 Pick what you like the most, then let us know and we'll rush it straight to you. 

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Coming Down the Mountain



 ◄ Coming Down the Mountain

   Coming Down the Mountain©.  Donkeys are the favored mode of transportation  when the mountains grow steep.  In this case they are serving both as practical basic transportation and as pack animals.  A car or truck might be able to bump down the same stepped roadway, but it seems unlikely to be in good enough shape afterward to return to the top. 






When you are ready, go back to the index in this Gallery, go to  Galleries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,or  Check Prices, or place your order:   E-mail to Quail Lane Studios.

You are in Gallery 8 - Retired for a Spell--But Still Great! - Quail Lane Studios 

   One last comment:  We know these images are tempting; they are also copyrighted.  Downloading for printing or other copying  is expressly forbidden.